24251 Town Center Dr. #122 Valencia, CA

Pre & After Care

This is important!

These Pre Care & After Care are not mere suggestions. This is extremely important information so you will enjoy the best results possible from your treatment/application. 



You must wait at least 1 month before or after having your lips tattooed.


If you have EVER had a cold sore or fever
blister on or near your lips you MUST take a doctor prescribed anti-viral medication such as Valtrex or Zovirax 3 days prior to and 3 days post your lip blush session. This procedure will 100% trigger an outbreak otherwise and it will negatively affect healing. This is extremely important.


No Retinol containing products near your mouth for 3 weeks prior to lip tattooing. If your lips are dry or cracked on the day of your appointment, you will be rescheduled. Dry, cracked, sunburnt or peeling lips will not heal correctly and may cause


DAYS 1-2

Apply a cool pack (not ice) for the first 2 hours to help alleviate some of
the swelling. You may continue through out the day with a cool pack. Wash them
very gently with Block Tonic. Do not use soaps. Pat dry. Apply a very thin layer of
the provided aftercare. Blot excess off with a clean tissue. Remember less is more.
Expect moderate swelling for the first 2 days. They will be tender and may look like
they have a thick heavy orangey lipstick on them. This is the pigment sitting close to
the surface. They will appear to have too much color at first.

DAYS 3-7

Continue to wash the area very gently twice a day and after eating or
drinking to remove any salts, acids or food left on your lips. Continue to apply the
provided aftercare ointment very sparingly to keep lips moisturized. Do not allow
your lips to stay wet or appear mushy from too much moisture. Your lips will begin
to exfoliate and start looking very chapped. It will appear as though the color has
disappeared. They will begin sloughing off and peeling. DO NOT pick, rub or scratch
the treated areas as this may cause scarring and/or pigment loss. Allow the
scabbing, flakiness and excess pigment to fall away naturally. Watch for signs of
infection such as excessive redness, swelling or pain. DO NOT use Neosporin,
Polysporin or any antibacterial ointments unless prescribed by your doctor.
Towards Day 7 a soft color will begin to appear.

DAYS 8-13

Continue to keep the lips clean and moisturized. You may start using a
lip balm with an SPF 15 or more at this point. Your lip color will disappear again as
the “frosty” 2nd chapping stage begins. A whitish gray haze may appear on the lips.
Refrain from picking or scratching the sloughing skin. Allow it to fall off on its own.

DAYS 14-21

The color will “bloom” from within more and more each day as the
new skin heals completely. At the end of 21 days, the lips should be completely
healed and the color you see will be the final result. Your lips will remain somewhat
dry for the next couple of months. Use a good balm and they will return to normal
but with full color. Your 4-6 week follow up session will be scheduled in person the
day of your initial session.

In order to get the best results, please follow these important reminders:

• Use a fresh pillow case while you sleep
• Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color
• Avoid wearing makeup or sunscreen on the treated areas for 5-7 days.
• No facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks
• Don’t use face creams on the treated areas containing Retin-A, Glycolic or AHA as these will fade pigments more quickly
• Avoid hot, sweaty exercise, saunas or steam baths for one week
• Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning bed for 4 weeks. Wear a hat and lip balm with minimum SPF 15 when out doors
• Avoid long hot showers for the first 10 days. Limit showers to 5 min to avoid too much steam. Only get your face wet at the very end of your shower.
• Avoid swimming, lakes and hot tubs for the first 10 days
• Avoid sleeping on your face for 10 days
• Avoid performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as basement or garage cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris for 10 days
• Remember to wash your lips after eating for the first 7 days to remove any salts, acids or food residue.
• If you are prone to cold sores, fever blisters or herpes on or near your lips, please discuss with your doctor and use medication prophylactically 3 days before and 3 days after procedure as the treatment will “wake up” the cold sore and cause an outbreak.

Remember that with proper aftercare, you will have much better results with your procedure and don’t forget to schedule your follow up appointment for 6-8 weeks.

There are various factors that can affect the healing process:
• Skin Type – Certain skin types heal faster than others. Pigment sets differently as well.
• Physical Activity – Heavy sweating will negatively affect the healed outcome
• Smoking – slows the healing process
• Exposure to sunlight – will fade pigment faster. Avoid exposure during the healing process
• Scabs – picking or scratching off scabs before they are ready will result in pigment being pulled out of the skin and cause uneven patches and possible scarring. Avoid picking at all costs!
• Touching – please avoid touching your lips except when washing them to prevent infection